amuse bouche

snap, crackle and pop of tasty delights

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

in the beginning...

shazam. welcome to the pleasure dome. or at least to a hint of what it means to live in blissful denial. yes, so 'tis the world of sandarama in full- frontal technicolor. there are no money-back guarantees here or whispered sweet nothings promising that i will save you tons of money on your car insurance. instead, your eyelids will feel very heavy and you will be compelled to hand over the entire contents of your savings account. i will be kind to the first 20 readers and allow a compromise and take a conciliatory prize of shoes, puppies, and a life supply of toothpaste. but please, my dentist recommends sensodyne. mint.

now enough about me. it's about you. why read another blog? the world is polluted with enough egomaniacs and self-promotional infomercials, you say. i say, yes. but you have not tasted this hot-sauced world of kooky wit and obscure references to mass media icons promoted by random embassy cultural centers in developing countries. you have not met this napoleonic heavy-hipped freckled collision of evolutionary wonder. so hurry, read on. clip the coupon with raw urgency. offer ends soon.


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