amuse bouche

snap, crackle and pop of tasty delights

Sunday, October 22, 2006

molten botanicals

an autumnal stroll in the botanical gardens replete with dale chihuly wonders and other fall(en) fare

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

subway subscriptions

i mainly read the economist on the subway to keep out of trouble, and for the benefit of the people standing next to me. should there ever be a subway delay (shocking) at least people know that i would be the person they could rely on for the latest burger price in timor-leste or the degree of doom we are about to face globally by the next issue. if i'm not reading i tend to stare at people and make up random stories and fictions for my fellow commuters. it makes the commute less lonely. but if i get caught eyeballing them, i merely pretend to be cross-eyed. i think my vision is getting worse because of it. thus, the economist.

Monday, October 02, 2006

another leaf collected

another year under my belt. just turned 31 (!) on saturday. it's such an awkward number and age: the backwash of 30, an afterthought to 30 so not to make 32's entrance that much harder.