amuse bouche

snap, crackle and pop of tasty delights

Friday, January 29, 2010


my eyes, my ears, my life, you,

there are times when i wonder if i imagined you. but if i empty out my pockets i find evidence of you. if i bleed out my heart, the healing clots are made from memories of you. if i open my eyes you are the person i want to see. you are my morning light and my night sky. is it true that love is blind?

then i am blind.
blind to your hollow stares when you return my adoring gaze.

then i am deaf.
deaf to the condescending murmurs when you reply to my coquetry.

then i am dead.
dead without you to bookmark my worth.

you are without me.
and i no longer have my eyes, my ears, my life, you.



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