amuse bouche

snap, crackle and pop of tasty delights

Monday, July 24, 2006

daringly lazy and proud of it

it's monday and everyone is at work AND I AM NOT. NANA-HAHA. yes, i have temporarily resigned from conforming to responsibility. responsibility is for sissies. at the same time, credit is due to recognize the tenacity needed to attain an advanced state of non-productivity. but wait, i must revise that last statement and miracle whip it to refer to my delightfully conscious lack of conscientiousness.

thus far in my adventures of avenging good work ethics, i proceeded to plan out elaborate multi-plattered menus for the rest of my long eating career; watched every movie ever made with jude law (swoon) and jonathan rhys meyers (swoon with a heart flutter) and family guy reruns (no swoons or hubba hubbas there); researched gifts for myself just because, and thought about going to the gym at least three times today--must have burnt 100 calories with the thoughts alone. the biggest time killer and distraction whore title goes to downloading new music to itunes and my ipod. how did people ever manage to waste time before the world of friendster, myspace, and itunes? i'm sure life was more wholesome when kids went outdoors in the summer and caught fireflies in jars and had hobbies like kite-flying and giraffe taming.

perish the thought, that would require actually leaving the house (gasp).

Sunday, July 23, 2006

out of office

i am officially on holiday. world peace and global political crises will have to wait while i sleep in and live in blissful ignorance with my mind on auto-pilot. but so not to be rude, proper etiquette obliges one to notify work contacts of one's absence and retreat into formal unaccountability. thus the perfunctory out-of-office reply:

thank you for your message. i will be out of the office for an indefinite period of time to pillage cracker jack boxes and document the mating ritual of the dodo bird.

for further persiflage, meditations, and having socks darned, please contact Ms. Ize A. Hore.

thank you.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

summer perfects

the good life can be really good. thanks santa, you're only 7 months late (or five months early), but thank you all the same.

guilt-ridden shallow blog entry

i had been faithful once to my blog and my imaginary audience of fellow bloggettes. but alas, i have become smitten with the new york summer. and yes, the world cup. various musings have come and gone, gone and come. this is the summer i rediscovered boys and new york city, discovered that you can tear your stomach lining from throwing up violently, and found inner peace. yes, there were various stories and steps that got me to all the above, but that's for another day, another blog entry. for now, i will remain the forever tease. admit it, you'll be back for more.