amuse bouche

snap, crackle and pop of tasty delights

Saturday, August 26, 2006

dandruff: one who always ditches or flakes on your group activities

i just discovered the marvels of the urban dictionary it's a slang dictionary which is defined by slangers, a democratic version of the oxford dictionary for procrastinators, the clueless, or people who have been living a hermetic life in a cave for the past zillion years.

you will find enlightenment and raise your coolness factor, ready to attend the next mtv party without your mother.

"english" is defined as: "a language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary".

it's a good site to check out just before christmas in case you may insult your prudish aunt millicent and let it slip that santa has been ho ho hoing, i.e. that santa was out with three prostitutes after a night of overdoing the eggnog.


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