amuse bouche

snap, crackle and pop of tasty delights

Sunday, November 12, 2006

mental wanderlust

there was a point in my life when i originally thought that figuring out the things that were important to me, that inspired me and aroused my passions would center me and quell my wanderlust. but i realize that these very things that are important to me, that inspire me, and arouse my passions are embedded in my lust to wander beyond the sheltering comforts of ny. i dream vividly of leaving, but wake myself up to realize that sometimes i live in a permanent sleep and fail to wake up to the moments that i dreamt about. i forget about the tediousness of the today in anticipation of the thrills of tomorrow. so now i realize that i must stop this habit and learn to see things again with my eyes fully open to allow in as much light as possible. i need to remember how to see and what to see. i need to remember of the today.


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